
Get listed on The Boro! Listings are available at no charge to members of the Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area (the area in red on the above map). Associate memberships are available for businesses near the BIA boundaries.

To be eligible for your free listing, your customers must be able to access your products and services online. That means completing their purchase or food order online.

If you’re looking to take your business online, email theboro@downtownptbo.ca and we’ll help you get started.

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Business Listings

What businesses can be listed on The Boro?

The Boro is available to all members and associate members of the Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area who have an online store, ordering system, gift cards or streaming. All businesses located inside the red portion of the map on this page are automatically members. To inquire about an associate membership, contact info@downtownptbo.ca.

Why is The Boro only available to DBIA members and associate members?

The Boro was created on behalf of the businesses in downtown Peterborough. It is funded by downtown businesses and managed by the Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area on their behalf.

Is there a cost to be on The Boro?

There is no additional cost to be featured on The Boro beyond your membership fees with the Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area.